Evaluate if r=-8: |-15-r|+|r|=

you plug in -8 for r.

I -15- (-8) l + l -8 l

l -7 l+ l-8 l

since you have absolute value bars anything in absolute value turns positive and you take away the bars.



Take the absolute value of -15+8=-7

absolute value of -7=7
Add the absolute value of -8 to 7
the absolute value of -8=8

To evaluate the expression, we substitute the value of r with -8:

|-15 - (-8)| + |-8| =

Simplify the expressions inside the absolute value symbols:

|-15 + 8| + |-8| =

|-7| + 8 =

The absolute value of -7 is 7, so the expression becomes:

7 + 8 =

Adding them together:

7 + 8 = 15

Therefore, when r = -8, the expression |-15-r| + |r| = 15.