How much NaC3H5O3 (in grams) is needed to create a 1000 ml volume of Ringer’s lactate solution

My answer was 3.13768 but I'm not sure if I did it right. I converted 28 mM to .028 moles, then multipled that by the molecular mass of NaC3H5O3.

To determine the amount of NaC3H5O3 (sodium lactate) needed to create a 1000 ml volume of Ringer's lactate solution, we first need to know the concentration of sodium lactate in Ringer's lactate solution.

Ringer's lactate solution typically contains sodium lactate at a concentration of 130-145 mmol/L. For this example, let's assume a concentration of 135 mmol/L.

To convert mmol (millimoles) to grams, we need to know the molar mass of sodium lactate. Sodium lactate has a molar mass of 112.06 g/mol.

Now, we can calculate the amount of sodium lactate needed as follows:

1. Determine the number of moles of sodium lactate needed:
mmol = concentration * volume (in L)
moles = mmol / 1000

2. Calculate the mass of sodium lactate needed:
mass (in grams) = moles * molar mass

Let's do the calculations with the assumed concentration of 135 mmol/L and a volume of 1000 ml (1 L):

1. Number of moles:
mmol = 135 mmol/L * 1 L = 135 mmol
moles = 135 mmol / 1000 = 0.135 mol

2. Mass of sodium lactate:
mass = 0.135 mol * 112.06 g/mol = 15.13 g

Therefore, you would need approximately 15.13 grams of NaC3H5O3 (sodium lactate) to create a 1000 ml volume of Ringer's lactate solution with an assumed concentration of 135 mmol/L.

To determine the amount of NaC3H5O3 needed to create a 1000 ml volume of Ringer's lactate solution, we need to know the concentration of NaC3H5O3 in the solution.

Ringer's lactate solution typically contains 130-145 mM of NaC3H5O3. Let's assume we want to create this solution with a concentration of 140 mM.

To calculate the amount of NaC3H5O3 in grams, we need to convert mM to grams using the molar mass of NaC3H5O3.

The molar mass of NaC3H5O3 (sodium lactate) is approximately 112.06 g/mol.

Now, let's go through the calculation:
1. Determine the number of moles of NaC3H5O3 required:
moles = concentration (mM) x volume (L)
Here, concentration = 140 mM and volume = 1000 ml (which is equal to 1 L)
moles = 140 mM x 1 L = 140.00 mmol

2. Convert moles to grams:
grams = moles x molar mass
grams = 140.00 mmol x 112.06 g/mol
grams = 15654.4 mg

Therefore, to create a 1000 ml volume of Ringer's lactate solution with a concentration of 140 mM NaC3H5O3, approximately 15.65 grams of NaC3H5O3 is needed.