I'm so stuck-this stuff is so far above me right now-Please help


or can someone direct me to a site that can solve this and show the steps-I don't even know where to start
Thank you

I'd be happy to help you with the problem you mentioned. It appears to be a division problem involving a polynomial. To simplify the expression (3x^3 - 5^2 + 6x - 9) / (x + 5), you can use polynomial long division. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Arrange the dividend (3x^3 - 5^2 + 6x - 9) and the divisor (x + 5) in long division format. It should look like this:

x + 5 | 3x^3 + 0x^2 + 6x - 9

Step 2: Divide the first term of the dividend (3x^3) by the first term of the divisor (x). The result is 3x^2. Write this quotient above the line.

x + 5 | 3x^3 + 0x^2 + 6x - 9

Step 3: Multiply the divisor (x + 5) by the quotient (3x^2) and write the result below the dividend.

x + 5 | 3x^3 + 0x^2 + 6x - 9
-(3x^3 + 15x^2)

Step 4: Subtract the result from the previous step from the dividend.

x + 5 | 3x^3 + 0x^2 + 6x - 9
-(3x^3 + 15x^2)
-15x^2 + 6x - 9

Step 5: Bring down the next term of the dividend (-15x^2) and repeat the process.

3x^2 - 15x
x + 5 | 3x^3 + 0x^2 + 6x - 9
-(3x^3 + 15x^2)
-15x^2 + 6x - 9
- (-15x^2 - 75x)
81x - 9

Step 6: Bring down the next term of the dividend (81x) and repeat the process.

3x^2 - 15x + 81
x + 5 | 3x^3 + 0x^2 + 6x - 9
-(3x^3 + 15x^2)
-15x^2 + 6x - 9
- (-15x^2 - 75x)
81x - 9
- (81x + 405)

Step 7: The division is complete when you can no longer divide a term by the divisor. The remainder is -414. Therefore, the simplified form of the expression is:
3x^2 - 15x + 81 - (414 / (x + 5))

Summarizing the steps in text form is not always easy. Therefore, if you prefer, I can direct you to websites that provide step-by-step instructions and solutions for polynomial division problems. Some recommended websites include Mathway, Symbolab, and Wolfram Alpha. These websites allow you to enter your problem step by step, and they will provide the solution and detailed explanations.