What is the theme and some examples of the theme in the story " Thank You Ma'am by Langston Hughes?

Click on Theme and read all about it. Then tell us what YOU THINK, and someone here will check your thinking.

I think the theme is when u treat others with respect they will treat others with it.

That's good. When you write this up for class, though, be sure to use correct spelling, capitals, punctuation, etc., okay?

But i don't know if that theme fits the story.

The lady didn't scream and yell and insult the boy, did she? How did she treat him throughout the story?

How did his attitude change? How did he treat her by the end of the story?

The theme of a story is the main idea or underlying message that the author wants to convey to the readers. In the case of the story "Thank You, Ma'am" by Langston Hughes, one possible theme is the power of compassion and redemption.

To identify the theme and find examples of it in the story, you can follow these steps:

1. Read and understand the story: Carefully read the story "Thank You, Ma'am" by Langston Hughes to grasp its plot, characters, and events. Take note of important moments and interactions within the story.

2. Look for recurring elements: Consider any recurring patterns, symbols, or ideas woven throughout the narrative. These elements often point to the story's theme.

3. Analyze character development: Focus on the character of Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones, referred to as "the woman" or "ma'am" throughout the story. Note how she responds to the actions of the young protagonist, Roger, after he tries to steal her purse. Pay attention to how she treats him and how her behavior evolves throughout the story.

4. Identify instances of compassion and redemption: Look for moments in the story where Mrs. Jones shows compassion towards Roger, even after his attempt to steal from her. Consider how she takes him to her home, gives him food, cleans him up, and offers him trust and understanding. These examples represent Mrs. Jones's compassion and her belief in second chances.

5. Reflect on the overall message: After collecting examples of compassion and redemption within the story, reflect on the impact these instances have on the characters and the narrative. Consider how these moments shape the overall message of the story.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify the theme of "Thank You, Ma'am" by Langston Hughes as the power of compassion and redemption, using specific examples from the text to support your interpretation.