1. 5+3*9/3-(-7)=

2. -12*(10-20)<100=

help please!!

please help me

please answer me

Sure! I'd be happy to help you with these expressions.

1. To solve the expression 5 + 3 * 9 / 3 - (-7), we need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS or BODMAS. This acronym stands for Parentheses/Brackets, Orders/Exponents, Division/Multiplication, and Addition/Subtraction.

First, let's simplify the expression inside the parentheses: - (-7) equals +7, so the expression becomes 5 + 3 * 9 / 3 + 7.

Next, we perform the multiplication and division from left to right: 3 * 9 equals 27, and 27 / 3 equals 9. Then, the expression becomes 5 + 9 + 7.

Finally, we perform the addition from left to right: 5 + 9 equals 14, and 14 + 7 equals 21.

Therefore, the answer to the expression 5 + 3 * 9 / 3 - (-7) is 21.

2. To solve the expression -12 * (10 - 20) < 100, we follow the same order of operations.

First, we simplify the expression inside the parentheses: 10 - 20 equals -10. So, the expression becomes -12 * (-10) < 100.

Next, we multiply -12 and -10: -12 * (-10) equals 120. The expression now becomes 120 < 100.

Finally, we compare the numbers: 120 is not less than 100, so the statement 120 < 100 is false.

Therefore, the answer to the expression -12 * (10 - 20) < 100 is false.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.