Explain It: Which is greater, the greatest whole number with 5 digits or the least whole number with 6 digits? (I know the answer is the 'least whole number with 6 digits', but how can I explain it. Thanks!

You could use an example.


Also look at this place value chart.


Thank you Ms. Sue

Which is greater, the greatest whole number with 5 digits or the least whole number with 6 digits

i donot know the answer

To compare the greatest whole number with 5 digits to the least whole number with 6 digits, we need to understand how digits and place value work.

In a whole number, each digit represents a specific place value. Starting from the right, the places are: ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, and so on.

For the greatest whole number with 5 digits, we have a digit in each place from the ten thousands place to the ones place. Let's take an example: 99,999. In this number, the digit in the ten thousands place is 9, the digit in the thousands place is also 9, and so on.

On the other hand, the least whole number with 6 digits has a digit in each place from the hundred thousands place to the ones place. For example: 100,000. In this number, the digit in the hundred thousands place is 1, and all the other digits are zeros.

The key to understanding why the least whole number with 6 digits is greater than the greatest whole number with 5 digits lies in the place value. Since the digit in the hundred thousands place in the least whole number with 6 digits is 1 (which is greater than 9), it automatically makes this number greater than any number with 5 digits.

In simple terms, adding an extra digit to any number will always make it bigger, as long as that extra digit is greater than the digit it is replacing. In this case, the extra digit in the least whole number with 6 digits (1) is greater than the digit in the ten thousands place (9) of the greatest whole number with 5 digits. Therefore, the least whole number with 6 digits is greater.