how would u make a sentence out of the following and using the word believable

here's what it said and here's what i wrote

List three things about cat that are believable

1)List three things about cats that are believable

a)they have 4 legs
b)they are small mammals
c)they have good eyesight at night

PLEASE help, thank you!

Please revise with correct capitalization and punctuation. Then someone will check your sentences for you.

To create a sentence using the word "believable" while incorporating the provided information, you can say:

"It is believable that cats have four legs, are small mammals, and have good eyesight at night."

To construct the sentence, ensure that you follow these steps:
1. Begin by introducing the subject, which, in this case, is "cats."
2. Then, incorporate the word "believable" to express the credibility of the information.
3. For each of the three provided facts about cats, use commas to separate them, and use the word "and" to connect the last two facts.

Remember, when creating sentences, it's important to consider grammar rules and sentence structure.