Condense the expression: 1/5log3(32) - 2log3x + 1/2log3y

I can't put the 3 as a small number on the bottom on all 3 parts of the trinomial.

To condense the expression 1/5log3(32) - 2log3x + 1/2log3y, we need to combine the logarithmic terms that have the same base.

Let's break down each term separately:

This term can be condensed by simplifying the logarithm of 32 base 3. We can rewrite 32 as a power of 3 to get:
32 = 3^5
Therefore, 1/5log3(32) = 1/5log3(3^5). According to the rule of logarithms, this can be simplified to:
1/5(5) = 1

This term doesn't have any logs with the same base to combine with. Hence, we keep it as it is.

Similar to the previous term, there are no other log terms with the base 3 to combine with. We keep it as it is.

Combining all three terms, we get:
1 - 2log3x + 1/2log3y