a sample of waterunder study was found to boil at 102c at normal temperature and pressure.is the water pure?will the water freeze at 0c. comment

Pure water boils at 100 C; therefore, the water is not pure and it will not freeze at zero C. It will freeze at a lower temperature than zero C.

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To determine if the water is pure based on its boiling point, we need to compare it to the boiling point of pure water at normal temperature and pressure, which is 100°C.

The fact that the water in question boils at 102°C suggests that there might be impurities dissolved in it. Impurities can affect the boiling point of a substance and cause it to deviate from the standard boiling point. It's important to note that the actual boiling point of water can vary slightly depending on factors such as altitude and impurities present.

Regarding the freezing point, we know that the freezing point of pure water at standard temperature and pressure is 0°C. However, we cannot conclusively determine if the water will freeze at 0°C based solely on the given information. The freezing point of water can be influenced by various factors, including impurities, dissolved gases, and pressure.

To gain a more accurate understanding of the purity of the water and its freezing point behavior, further analysis and testing would be required.