The table below gives the total spectator attendance for various U.S. sports in 1997.

Sport Attendance (millions)
Pro Baseball 64.9
College Basketball (Men’s) 27.7
College Basketball (Women’s) 6.7
Pro Basketball (Men’s) 21.7
College Football 36.9
Pro Football 14.8
Pro Hockey 17.1
Find the midrange of these attendance numbers

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To find the midrange of the attendance numbers, we first need to calculate the range, which is the difference between the highest and lowest values in the dataset.

In this case, the highest attendance is 64.9 million (Pro Baseball) and the lowest attendance is 6.7 million (College Basketball - Women's).

Range = highest attendance - lowest attendance
Range = 64.9 - 6.7
Range = 58.2

Next, we calculate the midrange, which is the average of the highest and lowest values.

Midrange = (highest attendance + lowest attendance) / 2
Midrange = (64.9 + 6.7) / 2
Midrange = 71.6 / 2
Midrange = 35.8

Therefore, the midrange of the attendance numbers in 1997 is 35.8 million.