What are examples of traditional values and opposing forces of those traditional values in the book whale rider by witi ihimaera? I checked sparknotes and there was nothing. I just need 2-3 examples so I could do it on my own!


Read widely and take good notes. Remember that "traditional values" in this assignment means the values that are traditional to the people in New Zealand, not to people in any other country or culture.

To identify examples of traditional values and opposing forces in the book "Whale Rider" by Witi Ihimaera, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the book: To properly identify traditional values and opposing forces, it is essential to read the book thoroughly. This will allow you to grasp the intricacies of the story, characters, and themes.

2. Identify traditional values: As you read, pay close attention to the values, beliefs, and customs that are portrayed as traditionally important within the Maori culture. Look for instances where characters exhibit behaviors or hold beliefs that are considered traditional or culturally significant.

Examples of traditional values in "Whale Rider" could include:

a. Respect for ancestors and elders: The Maori culture holds high regard for the wisdom and guidance of ancestors and elders. Pay attention to instances where characters demonstrate respect and deference towards their ancestors or elders.

b. Connection to nature and spirituality: The Maori culture often emphasizes a strong connection to nature and spiritual beliefs. Look for scenes where characters express reverence for the environment, engage in traditions associated with nature, or demonstrate their spiritual connection.

3. Identify opposing forces: Opposing forces can be seen as those elements that challenge or challenge traditional values within the story. These opposing forces often represent societal changes, conflicts, or characters who do not adhere to or understand the importance of traditional values.

Examples of opposing forces in "Whale Rider" could include:

a. Gender roles and expectations: The protagonist, Paikea, challenges traditional gender roles and expectations, as she aspires to become the leader of her community despite being female. Look for instances where gender expectations clash with Paikea's pursuit of her goals.

b. Modernization and cultural erosion: Pay attention to elements in the story that depict modernization and its potential impact on traditional values. This could include conflicts arising from industrialization, globalization, or introduction of Western cultural influences.

Keep in mind that the examples provided are based on general knowledge about the book. To provide more specific examples, it is recommended to read the book thoroughly and analyze the content in greater detail.