Jon, Fred, Ted used the number they rolled on a cube to create a number. Jon created the number 214,312. Fred created the number 232,442. Ted's number was greater than Jon but less than Fred. What is Ted's number?


214,313; 214,314; ... 232,441

To find Ted's number, we need to understand how the numbers were created. As stated, Jon, Fred, and Ted used the numbers they rolled on a cube.

A traditional cube, also known as a six-sided dice, has numbers ranging from 1 to 6. Assuming that Jon, Fred, and Ted rolled a single cube each, they each use one roll to create their number.

Let's break down the given numbers: Jon's number is 214,312, and Fred's number is 232,442. From this information, we can conclude that the first digit of each number corresponds to the roll from the cube.

Since Jon's number starts with 2, we can deduce that he rolled a 2 on the cube. Similarly, Fred's number starts with 2 as well, so he also rolled a 2.

Now, let's compare Jon and Fred's numbers. Jon's number is 214,312, and Fred's number is 232,442. It is mentioned that Ted's number is greater than Jon's but less than Fred's. Therefore, Ted's number must start with 2 as well.

We need to figure out the remaining digits for Ted's number. We know that Ted's number should be greater than 214,312 and less than 232,442. By examining the pattern, we can see that the second digit will be 3, as it is larger than the second digit in Jon's number (1) and smaller than the corresponding digit in Fred's number (4).

Now, let's determine the remaining digits. Ted's number should be greater than 214,312 but less than 232,442. By systematically increasing each digit from the left to the right, we can find the smallest number that satisfies these conditions.

Starting from the leftmost digit, we have determined the first two digits, which are 2 and 3. Now, we can keep increasing the remaining digits to create a number that is greater than 214,312 but less than 232,442. Therefore, Ted's number is 231,___, with the remaining three digits to be determined.

The smallest valid number we can fill for the remaining digits is 231,313, as it is greater than 214,312 and less than 232,442. Therefore, Ted's number is 231,313.