the time of sunrise and the daily high temperature is this a casual relationship?

I would not cause it causal, but there is a relationship.

so this is not show a casual relationship?

Determining whether there is a causal relationship between the time of sunrise and the daily high temperature requires a more in-depth analysis.

To investigate this, you could collect data on the time of sunrise and the corresponding daily high temperatures over a significant period, preferably across different locations and seasons. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Gather data: Obtain historical records or access a reliable weather database that provides information on the time of sunrise and daily high temperatures for various dates and locations.

2. Organize the data: Arrange the data in a format that allows for easy comparison and analysis. Typically, a spreadsheet or database can be used to store the data.

3. Analyze the data: Plot the time of sunrise against the daily high temperatures for different dates and locations. Look for any trends or patterns that may suggest a relationship between the two variables.

4. Consider other factors: Take into account other factors that may influence the daily high temperature, such as weather patterns, latitude, elevation, and proximity to large bodies of water. Account for these factors in your analysis to avoid drawing incorrect conclusions.

5. Statistically analyze the data: Utilize statistical techniques to determine the strength and significance of the relationship between the time of sunrise and the daily high temperature. Techniques like correlation analysis can help quantify the degree of association between the variables.

6. Interpret the results: Based on your analysis, consider whether the time of sunrise has a direct causal effect on the daily high temperature. Keep in mind that correlation does not always imply causation and that there may be underlying factors at play that influence both variables.

By following these steps, you can gather and analyze the necessary data to ascertain whether there is a causal relationship between the time of sunrise and the daily high temperature.