The speed of light is 3.00x 10^8 m/s . How fast is this in miles per hour (miles/h)? Use the conversion . 1mile =1610m


3.00 x (10^8) (m / s) =

671 080 888 miles / hour

To convert the speed of light from meters per second (m/s) to miles per hour (miles/h), you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert meters to miles.
Since 1 mile is equal to 1610 meters, divide the speed of light in meters by 1610 to get the speed in miles per second.

Speed in miles per second = Speed in meters per second / 1610

Step 2: Convert seconds to hours.
Since there are 3600 seconds in an hour, multiply the speed in miles per second by 3600 to get the speed in miles per hour.

Speed in miles per hour = Speed in miles per second x 3600

Now let's calculate the speed of light in miles per hour:

Speed in miles per second = 3.00 x 10^8 m/s / 1610
Speed in miles per second ≈ 186418.88 miles/s

Speed in miles per hour = 186418.88 miles/s x 3600
Speed in miles per hour ≈ 6.71 x 10^8 miles/h

Therefore, the speed of light is approximately 6.71 x 10^8 miles per hour.

3600 seconds in an hour

3.00E8 * 3600 / 1610

mysterio looks good

did you get the anwser to this

3.00X10^8 m X 1mileX 60secX60min



equals mile/hr.