Samples of three different compounds were analyzed and the masses of each element were determined.

Mass Mass
N(g) O(g)
A 5.6 3.2
B 3.5 8.0
C 1.4 4.0
If you were John Dalton and had never heard of a mole, which of the following would you think were possible sets of formulas for the compounds A, B, and C, respectively?

I think NO2 is one but i don't know how to figure the formulas out? Can someone explain. thanks!

You don't list any of the other possibilities.

I believe A is N2O; B is NO2; C is N2O5


Samples of three different compounds were analyzed and the masses of each element were determined.

Compound Mass N
(g) Mass O
A 5.6 3.2
B 3.5 8.0
C 1.4 4.0
If you were John Dalton and had never heard of a mole, which of the following would you think were possible sets of formulas for the compounds A, B, and C, respectively?

To determine the formulas of the compounds, we need to analyze the ratio of the masses of the elements present. In this case, the elements are nitrogen (N) and oxygen (O).

Let's analyze compound A:
The given mass of nitrogen in compound A is 5.6g, and the mass of oxygen is 3.2g.

To find the simplest whole number ratio of nitrogen to oxygen, we need to divide both masses by the smaller of the two (in this case, it is 3.2g):
5.6g ÷ 3.2g = 1.75

We can then round this ratio to the nearest whole number:
1.75 ≈ 2

The resulting ratio is approximately 2:1.

Therefore, the formula for compound A can be written as N2O, which is nitrogen dioxide.

Now, let's analyze compound B:
The given mass of nitrogen in compound B is 3.5g, and the mass of oxygen is 8.0g.

Following the same steps as before, we divide the masses by the smaller value:
3.5g ÷ 3.5g = 1
8.0g ÷ 3.5g ≈ 2.29

Rounding these ratios to the nearest whole numbers gives us:

The formula for compound B can be written as NO2, which is nitrogen dioxide.

Lastly, let's analyze compound C:
The given mass of nitrogen in compound C is 1.4g, and the mass of oxygen is 4.0g.

Again, dividing the masses by the smaller value:
1.4g ÷ 1.4g = 1
4.0g ÷ 1.4g ≈ 2.86

Rounding these ratios to the nearest whole numbers:

The formula for compound C can be written as NO3, which is nitrogen trioxide.

Therefore, the possible formulas for compounds A, B, and C are:
A: N2O
B: NO2
C: NO3

Please note that these are deduced formulas based solely on the masses given, and further experimental evidence would be required to confirm these formulas.