I have a test tomorrow in US history that I am studying for. My teacher told us that on the test we will have to put 10 of the most important and relavent things that happened from prehistory to 1824. I have a hard time learning history.

I know the first and last thing she wants us to remember


10.Monroe Doctrine is issued.

I know you guys wont know 100% but do you have any idea of what the other 8 might be?

If you're including prehistory, then you must start with the arrival of the native Americans. Columbus's discovery would also be important before Jamestown.

How about these?
Settlement of other colonies
Declaration of Independence
Revolutionary War
War of 1812
Slavery introduced


You're welcome.

Certainly! While I can't provide you with an exact list of the 8 most important events in US history from prehistory to 1824, I can suggest a few significant events that you can consider for your study. Remember, the importance of events can vary based on perspective. Here are some suggestions:

1. The arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas (1492)
2. The establishment of Plymouth Colony by the Pilgrims (1620)
3. The signing of the Declaration of Independence (1776)
4. The American Revolutionary War (1775-1783)
5. The ratification of the United States Constitution (1788)
6. The Louisiana Purchase (1803)
7. The Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806)
8. The War of 1812 (1812-1815)

These events played significant roles in shaping early American history. However, it's important to note that different historians may have different opinions on what events are the most important. I recommend studying these events in more detail and understanding their context, impact, and how they connect to the broader narrative of US history. This will help you better understand the significance and relevance of each event.

Additionally, make sure to review your class materials, textbooks, and any notes or handouts provided by your teacher. Don't hesitate to reach out to your teacher or classmates for further clarification or assistance. Good luck with your test!