What two major concerns do you have about being a reflective decision maker?

what does tis mean? need explain

First of all, what is "reflective decision" making?

A reflective decision is thinking about a situation carefully and then deciding what to do

Being a reflective decision maker means carefully considering and evaluating various options and information before making a decision. There are two major concerns that can arise when practicing reflective decision making:

1. Decision Paralysis: One concern is that overthinking and analyzing a decision too much can lead to decision paralysis. This happens when you become overwhelmed or indecisive due to excessive reflection. To avoid this, it is important to set a reasonable time frame for decision-making and prioritize the most critical factors to consider. Additionally, establish a balance between reflection and action.

2. Confirmation Bias: Another concern is the risk of confirmation bias, which is the tendency to favor information that supports our pre-existing beliefs or desires. When reflecting on a decision, our subjective perceptions can unconsciously influence the evaluation process, leading to biased decision-making. To address this concern, it is crucial to gather diverse and objective information, consider alternative perspectives, and challenge our own assumptions and biases.

To summarize, the concerns with reflective decision making involve the potential for decision paralysis from excessive reflection and the risk of confirmation bias, which can lead to biased decision-making. Being aware of these concerns and employing strategies to mitigate them can help promote effective decision-making.