this has to be correct!

1. How pretty the sunset is-interrogative
2. Don't stand so close to the edge- imparative
3. It was quite chilly at night- declarative
4. Look at us riding on mules in this canyon- exclamatory

An interrogative sentence asks a question.

The others are correct.

Thank-you for the help!:)

To determine the type of sentence, we need to understand the different sentence types: interrogative, imperative, declarative, and exclamatory.

1. "How pretty the sunset is" - This sentence is interrogative because it is asking a question. To identify an interrogative sentence, look for words like who, what, when, where, why, or how at the beginning of the sentence.

2. "Don't stand so close to the edge" - This sentence is imperative because it gives a command or makes a request. In imperative sentences, there is usually an implied subject "you" or it starts with a verb. In this case, the verb "Don't stand" is giving a command.

3. "It was quite chilly at night" - This sentence is declarative because it makes a statement or provides information. It is a simple statement that does not ask a question or give a command.

4. "Look at us riding on mules in this canyon!" - This sentence is exclamatory because it shows strong feelings or excitement. Exclamatory sentences often end with an exclamation mark (!) and convey strong emotions or surprise.

By understanding the characteristics and purposes of each sentence type, we can identify the type of sentence based on the given examples.