What is it called when b=d and r=0?

A. iteroarity
B. semelparity
C. zero population growth
D. cohort
E. a survivorship curve

I think it is E but I would greatly appreciate a teacher's input!

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This looks more like an algebraic problem?


To find the correct answer, we need to understand the given conditions.

The statement "b = d and r = 0" refers to population dynamics in terms of birth rate (b), death rate (d), and population growth rate (r).

A. Iteroarity: This is not a recognized term in the field of population dynamics.

B. Semelparity: Semelparity refers to a reproductive strategy where an organism reproduces only once in its lifetime and then dies. This term is not directly related to the given conditions.

C. Zero population growth: Zero population growth (ZPG) occurs when the birth rate equals the death rate, resulting in no net change in the population size. This condition aligns with the given statement "b = d."

D. Cohort: Cohort generally refers to a group of individuals who share a particular characteristic or experience. It is not directly related to the given conditions.

E. A survivorship curve: A survivorship curve is a graphical representation of the number of individuals surviving at each age of a population. It is not directly related to the given conditions.

Based on the given conditions "b = d and r = 0," the most appropriate answer is C. Zero population growth.