which of the following is a quality of a good supervision?

(a)someone who tries to catch students doing wrong
(b)someone who enforces rules arbitrarily
(c)someomeo who can express thought and ideas clearly(my answer)
(d)someone who is always right

what is the purpose of a practice workstation in a classroom?
(a)to provide beginning learning experiences
(b)to provide drill in skills and concepts already introduced(my answer)
(c)to foster creative activity
(d)to teach the same subject all year

if youre assigned to bus duty which of the following taskes might you except to perform?
(a)help students cross busy streets
(b)help students get from one place at school to another
(c)accompany students on field trips
(d)help students get on and off the bus (my answer)



For the first question, the correct answer is option (c) - someone who can express thoughts and ideas clearly. To arrive at this answer, you need to evaluate the options and determine which one aligns with the qualities of good supervision. Options (a) and (b) involve negative aspects of supervision, focusing on catching students doing wrong or enforcing rules arbitrarily. Option (d), someone who is always right, is an unrealistic expectation for a supervisor. On the other hand, option (c), someone who can express thoughts and ideas clearly, is a positive quality as it allows for effective communication and understanding between the supervisor and the individuals being supervised.

For the second question, the correct answer is option (b) - to provide drill in skills and concepts already introduced. To determine the purpose of a practice workstation in a classroom, you need to evaluate the options and select the one that best describes its function. Options (a) and (c) both describe different purposes that may be present in a classroom but are not specific to a practice workstation. Option (d) describes a limited scope of teaching the same subject all year, which is not necessarily the purpose of a practice workstation. Option (b), providing drill in skills and concepts already introduced, indicates that the workstation is used to reinforce and practice previously taught material.

For the third question, the correct answer is option (d) - help students get on and off the bus. To determine the tasks of someone assigned to bus duty, you need to evaluate the options and choose the one that relates specifically to bus-related responsibilities. Options (a) and (b) cover general tasks that can be performed in various contexts, not specifically related to bus duty. Option (c), accompanying students on field trips, may be a separate responsibility but is not directly related to bus duty. Option (d), helping students get on and off the bus, is the most specific task that aligns with the assigned duty.