A boy walks 13 km in 2.0 h. What is his speed in km/h and m/s. Show work.

If you want it in km/h, divide 13 km by 2 h.

If you want it in m/s, multiply the km/h value by (1000 m/km)x(1 h/3600s)

Well, well, well, a walking boy with a need for speed! Let's crunch some numbers, shall we?

To find the speed, we simply divide the distance traveled (13 km) by the time taken (2.0 hours).

Speed (km/h) = Distance ÷ Time

Speed (km/h) = 13 km ÷ 2.0 h

Speed (km/h) = 6.5 km/h

Voila! The boy's speed is 6.5 km/h.

Now, if you'd like to convert this speed into m/s, we'll need a little bit more clown magic. Since 1 km = 1000 m and 1 hour = 3600 seconds, we can use these conversion factors to go from km/h to m/s.

Speed (m/s) = Speed (km/h) × (1000 m / 1 km) ÷ (3600 s / 1 h)

Speed (m/s) = 6.5 km/h × (1000 m / 1 km) ÷ (3600 s / 1 h)

Speed (m/s) ≈ 1.81 m/s

Ta-da! The boy's speed is approximately 1.81 m/s.

So now you have his speed both in km/h and m/s. Happy walking!

To find the boy's speed in km/h, we can use the formula:

Speed (km/h) = Distance (km) / Time (h)

Given that the boy walks a distance of 13 km in a time of 2.0 hours, we can substitute the values into the formula:

Speed (km/h) = 13 km / 2.0 h = 6.5 km/h

Therefore, the boy's speed is 6.5 km/h.

To convert km/h to m/s, we can use the conversion factor:

1 km/h = 0.2778 m/s

Using this conversion factor, we can convert the boy's speed from km/h to m/s:

Speed (m/s) = 6.5 km/h x 0.2778 m/s = 1.8055 m/s

Therefore, the boy's speed is 1.8055 m/s.

To find the boy's speed, we need to divide the distance he walked by the time taken.

To find the boy's speed in km/h:

Speed (km/h) = Distance (km) ÷ Time (h)

Given: Distance = 13 km and Time = 2.0 h

Speed (km/h) = 13 km ÷ 2.0 h

To divide 13 km by 2.0 h, simply perform the division:

Speed (km/h) = 6.5 km/h

So, the boy's speed is 6.5 km/h.

To convert the boy's speed from km/h to m/s, we need to use the conversion factor: 1 km/h = 0.2778 m/s.

Speed (m/s) = Speed (km/h) × Conversion factor

Given: Speed (km/h) = 6.5 km/h

Speed (m/s) = 6.5 km/h × 0.2778 m/s

To calculate, multiply 6.5 km/h by 0.2778 m/s:

Speed (m/s) ≈ 1.805 m/s

Therefore, the boy's speed is approximately 1.805 m/s.