do you know a good sight for practice 0n complete subject and complete predicate

Yes, I can help you find a good resource for practicing complete subjects and complete predicates. One website that provides comprehensive resources for language arts practice, including subjects and predicates, is

To access practice materials on, follow these steps:

1. Open your web browser and go to
2. In the search bar located at the top of the page, type "complete subjects and complete predicates" or simply "subjects and predicates."
3. Press Enter, and you will be directed to the search results page.
4. Look for relevant worksheets, activities, or lessons that focus specifically on complete subjects and complete predicates.
5. Browse through the available resources and choose the ones that suit your needs best.
6. Click on the selected resource to access it. Some resources may require a subscription or payment, while others may be available for free.

Remember, is just one option, and there are many other educational websites that offer practice materials for complete subjects and complete predicates. Feel free to explore other websites like Teachers Pay Teachers, SuperTeacher Worksheets, or even online learning platforms like Khan Academy or Quizlet for additional resources.