identifying the parts of speech of each wording by placing the appropriate abbreviations after the words

It is a toothless creature that can smell and see well.
identify the appropriate part of speech noun,adjective, verb, ect...

Here is a chart to let you know what the 8 parts of speech are, what each does, and some examples.

You can also find a word's part of speech in a dictionary. Try this one:

Let us know what you think the parts of speech are, and we'll let you know if you're on the right track.


To identify the parts of speech of the words "toothless" and "smell" in the sentence "It is a toothless creature that can smell and see well," we can follow these steps:

1. Understand the meaning of each word: "Toothless" describes the creature, and "smell" refers to the creature's ability to perceive odors.
2. Determine the function of each word in the sentence:
- "Toothless" is used as an adjective, modifying the noun "creature." It describes a characteristic of the creature.
- "Smell" is used as a verb here, showing an action performed by the creature.
3. Assign the appropriate part of speech to each word:
- "Toothless" is an adjective.
- "Smell" is a verb.

Now, using the appropriate abbreviations for each part of speech, we can write the sentence with the labeled parts:

"It is a toothless (adj) creature that can smell (v) and see well."

Note: In this sentence, "it" is a pronoun, "is" is a verb, "a" is an article, "that" is a relative pronoun, "can" is a modal verb, and "and" is a conjunction.