Over time, _____ has gained power at the expense of _____

What choices have you been given?

the Senate, the House the House, the Senate

Congress, the president the president, Congress

Which do you think is correct?

To answer this question, you would first need to identify the specific context or subject being referred to. The question is asking about something that has gained power over time, potentially at the cost of something else.

1. Contextualize the question: Determine the specific topic or scenario being discussed. For example, you might consider whether it refers to a historical event, a specific industry, a political system, or any other context.

2. Identify the subject gaining power: Based on the context, identify the entity or concept that has increased its power over time. This could be an individual, a group, an ideology, a technology, or any other relevant factor.

3. Determine what is being affected or overshadowed: Once you have identified the subject gaining power, determine what is being negatively impacted or losing influence as a result. This could be another entity, a competing ideology, a traditional practice, or any other relevant factor.

By following these steps, you can both understand the question and provide a meaningful answer.