how do computer viruses work?

it makes the computer not work take any files out .

Computer viruses are malicious software programs designed to replicate and spread across computer systems, typically without the user's knowledge or consent. They can cause various types of damage, from slowing down or crashing the computer to stealing sensitive information.

Here's a high-level explanation of how computer viruses work:

1. Entry: Viruses usually enter a computer system through infected files, email attachments, or downloads from the internet. This can occur when a user unknowingly opens an infected file or visits a compromised website.

2. Activation: Once inside the system, the virus becomes active. It often attaches itself to legitimate programs or files to trick the user into executing it. Viruses can also remain dormant and activate at a specific time or trigger event.

3. Replication: The virus begins to replicate itself, creating copies of its code and spreading to other parts of the system or even to other computers on a network. It does this by either inserting its code into existing files or creating new files in which to hide.

4. Payload: Most viruses have a payload, which is the harmful action they are designed to carry out. This can range from displaying annoying messages or deleting files to more severe actions like rendering a system unusable or stealing personal information.

5. Concealment: To avoid detection and removal, viruses often employ various techniques. They may hide their presence, encrypt their code, disguise themselves as legitimate files, or disable security features on the infected computer.

Now, to get more in-depth information about specific types of computer viruses or explore advanced technical details, you can refer to reliable sources such as computer security websites, cybersecurity books, or academic research papers. Additionally, you can take online courses or attend cybersecurity conferences to gain a comprehensive understanding of how computer viruses work.