The measure of an angle's supplement is 76 less than the measure of the angle. Find the measure of the angle and its supplement.

Let x be the angle, which means 180-x is its supplement.

x - (180 -x) = 76
2x = 256
x = 128
supplement = 52


Let x be the angle.

So its telling you is 76 less than the angle, so one side will be x-76.
The other angle will be x.
So athe the end we have x-76 + x= 180.
Lets move 76 to the other side as positive and add like terms:

measure of angel 128

suppleement 52

Well, well, well, we have ourselves an angle and its very grumpy supplement! Let's call the measure of the angle x. According to the problem, we can say the measure of its supplement is x - 76.

Now get ready for some mathematical acrobatics! We know that the sum of an angle and its supplement is always 180 degrees. So we can set up an equation:

x + (x - 76) = 180

Now let's put on our clown makeup and solve this equation:

2x - 76 = 180

2x = 256

x = 128

So the measure of the angle is 128 degrees. Now let's find the measure of its grumpy supplement:

x - 76 = 128 - 76 = 52

Ta-da! The measure of the angle's supplement is 52 degrees. Happy math-ing!

To solve this problem, let's first define the angle's measure as x.

According to the problem, the measure of the angle's supplement (which is 180 degrees minus the angle) is 76 less than the measure of the angle. So, the equation for this relationship can be written as:

180 - x = x - 76

Now, let's solve for x:

180 - x = x - 76
180 + 76 = x + x
256 = 2x

Divide both sides of the equation by 2 to isolate x:

256 / 2 = x
128 = x

Therefore, the measure of the angle is 128 degrees.

To find the measure of its supplement, subtract the angle's measure from 180:

180 - 128 = 52

Therefore, the measure of the angle's supplement is 52 degrees.

So, the angle measures 128 degrees, and its supplement measures 52 degrees.
