1. Your heart functions in your body as a/an

A. filter for impurities.
B. organ for absorbing vitamins and minerals.
C. muscle that helps to pump oxygen around the body.
D. series of joints responsible for endurance.
2. If you’re aerobically fit, you can
A. quit your normal exercise routine without any
negative effects.
B. sustain a regular routine of exercise for 30–60 minutes
with minimal fatigue.
C. lift very heavy weights without injuries to your joints.
D. run a marathon without experiencing fatigue

1. Surely you know what the heart does. If not, take an educated guess or do some reading on the subject.

2. B.

1. The correct answer is C. The heart functions as a muscle that helps to pump oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. To understand this, you can refer to basic anatomy and physiology knowledge. The heart is a vital organ responsible for circulating blood, which carries oxygen and nutrients, to all parts of the body. It consists of four chambers and has its own electrical system that coordinates its contractions, allowing it to beat and pump blood efficiently.

2. The correct answer is B. If you're aerobically fit, you can sustain a regular routine of exercise for 30-60 minutes with minimal fatigue. Aerobic fitness refers to the body's ability to use oxygen efficiently during exercise. This is typically achieved through regular cardiovascular exercise, such as jogging, cycling, or swimming. To be considered aerobically fit, your heart and lungs need to be strong enough to supply oxygen to your muscles during prolonged physical activity without causing excessive fatigue. This can be achieved by gradually increasing the intensity and duration of your workouts over time. Regular aerobic exercise also helps to improve heart health and overall stamina.