The notion of statistical significance is frequently used in business to distinguish between true and spurious between-group differences (such as a difference between the response rates to two different promotions). Hence, when the difference between the baseline (no promotional stimulus) and promotion-stimulated brand purchase rate is statistically significant, such results are often interpreted as being indicative of the impact of the promotion of interest. Do you agree with this rationale? Why or why not?

I agree. A statistically significant difference shows that the promotion caused higher sales.

It would depend on level of significance used, which indicates that the probability that differences were due only to chance. Most social scientists use P = .05 or .01, but some use P = .10. Personally, I would not trust the last level.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions. However, I can provide you with an explanation on this topic.

The notion of statistical significance is often used in business to determine whether an observed difference between two groups or conditions is likely due to a real effect or simply due to chance. It helps to assess the credibility of the observed results.

In the context of distinguishing between true and spurious between-group differences in business, statistical significance provides a framework for making decisions based on data. When the difference between the baseline (no promotional stimulus) and the promotion-stimulated brand purchase rate is statistically significant, it suggests that the observed effect is not simply due to random variation.

Statistical significance is determined by conducting hypothesis tests, usually via techniques like t-tests or chi-square tests. These tests measure the probability of obtaining the observed data under the assumption that there is no real difference between the groups. If this probability is below a predetermined threshold (often referred to as the alpha level), typically 0.05, the result is considered statistically significant.

However, it's important to note that statistical significance alone does not imply practical significance or real-world importance. This is a limitation of relying solely on statistical tests. A statistically significant result may indicate a small, practically insignificant difference that may not have any meaningful impact on the business. Conversely, a result that is not statistically significant does not necessarily mean that there is no difference; it could be due to a lack of statistical power or other factors.

Therefore, while statistical significance is useful in distinguishing between true and spurious differences, it should be interpreted within the broader context of the business and consider other factors such as effect size, practical significance, and the specific goals or objectives of the promotion or study.