Translate the mathematical phrase “The product of 4 and the quantity ‘x + 11’ “ into an algebraic expression. Simplify completely.

4(x+11) = 4x + 44

algebraic expressions

one more than the product of 22 and Mabel's height. Use variable m for Mabel's height.

Nine more than the quotient of two and a number xxx.

To translate the given mathematical phrase into an algebraic expression, follow these steps:

1. Identify the given numbers and variables:
- The number: 4.
- The variable: x.

2. Identify the operation indicated in the phrase. In this case, it is "the product of."

3. Determine what the phrase is asking you to multiply. The phrase indicates the product of the number 4 and the quantity 'x + 11'.

4. Construct the algebraic expression:
- To represent the quantity 'x + 11', enclose it within parentheses: (x + 11).
- Multiply the number 4 by the quantity '(x + 11)'.
- The algebraic expression is: 4(x + 11).

To simplify the expression completely, distribute the 4 to both terms inside the parentheses:

4(x + 11) = 4 * x + 4 * 11
= 4x + 44

Therefore, the simplified algebraic expression is 4x + 44.