The table shows the driving distance from certain cities.

From To Driving Dis mi

Pittsburgh Johnstown 55
Johnstown Allentown 184

1. Write a number sentence that compares the mileage from Pittsburgh to Johnstown to Allentown, and the mileage from Allentown to Johnstown to Pittsburgh.

2. Name the property that is illustrated by the sentence.

1. To compare the mileage from Pittsburgh to Johnstown to the mileage from Allentown to Johnstown and then to Pittsburgh, we can subtract the distance from Pittsburgh to Johnstown from the distance from Allentown to Johnstown and then subtract the result from the distance from Allentown to Johnstown. This can be expressed as follows:

Distance from Pittsburgh to Johnstown - Distance from Allentown to Johnstown - (Distance from Allentown to Johnstown - Distance from Pittsburgh to Johnstown)

Using the given table:
55 - 184 - (184 - 55)

2. The number sentence represents the commutative property of subtraction, which states that the order of subtraction can be changed without affecting the result.