This number has 4 places to the right of the decimal point. It has 2 hundreds, 3 ten thousandths, and 1 tenth. It is between 240 and 242. The thousandths place is one less than the ten thousandths and less than the hundredths. What are the six numbers that match this data?


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To find the six numbers that match the given data, we can break down the information step by step.

1. We know that the number has 4 decimal places, which means it will be in the form of, where x represents a digit.

2. The number has 2 hundreds, which means the digit to the left of the decimal point is 2.

3. The number has 3 ten thousandths, which means the digit in the fourth decimal place is 3.

4. The number has 1 tenth, which means the digit in the first decimal place is 1.

5. The number is between 240 and 242, which means the digit to the right of the decimal point can be any number from 0 to 9.

6. The thousandths place is one less than the ten thousandths and less than the hundredths. Therefore, the digit in the third decimal place (thousandths) can be any number from 0 to 8 (since it is one less than 3), and the digit in the second decimal place (hundredths) can be any number from 1 to 8 (since it is greater than the thousandths place).

Combining all of these conditions, we can come up with the six numbers that match this data:

1. 240.183
2. 240.273
3. 240.363
4. 240.453
5. 241.043
6. 241.138

These six numbers all have 2 hundreds, 3 ten thousandths, and 1 tenth. The thousandths place is one less than the ten thousandths (in the range 0-8) and less than the hundredths (in the range 1-8).