find y'(x) if x^y=y^x

x^y=y^x --->

y log(x) = x log(y) ----->

log(x) dy + y/x dx =
log(y) dx + x/y dy ---->

[log(x) - x/y] dy = [log(y) - y/x] dx


dy/dx = [log(y) - y/x]/[log(x) - x/y]

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To find the derivative y'(x), we can use implicit differentiation since x and y are both variables that depend on each other.

Step 1: Differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to x.

Using the chain rule, the derivative of the left side (x^y) with respect to x is:

d/dx (x^y) = d/dx (e^(ln(x^y))) [Applying the natural logarithm to rewrite x^y as e^(ln(x^y))]

= e^(ln(x^y)) * d/dx (ln(x^y)) [Using the chain rule]

= x^y * d/dx (ln(x^y)) [Since e^(ln(x^y)) = x^y]

Similarly, the derivative of the right side (y^x) with respect to x is:

d/dx (y^x) = y^x * d/dx (ln(y)) [Using the chain rule]

Step 2: Set the derivatives of both sides equal to each other.

Now, since x^y * d/dx (ln(x^y)) = y^x * d/dx (ln(y)), we can write:

x^y * (d/dx (ln(x^y))) = y^x * (d/dx (ln(y))) [Setting the derivatives equal to each other]

Step 3: Solve for y'(x).

To solve for y'(x), we need to express d/dx (ln(x^y)) and d/dx (ln(y)).

Recall that the derivative of ln(u) with respect to u is du/dx.

Therefore, d/dx (ln(x^y)) can be rewritten as:

d/dx (ln(x^y)) = (d/dx (x^y)) / (x^y) [Using the chain rule]

Similarly, d/dx (ln(y)) can be rewritten as:

d/dx (ln(y)) = (d/dx (y)) / y [Using the chain rule]

Substituting these expressions back into our equation, we have:

x^y * ((d/dx (x^y)) / (x^y)) = y^x * ((d/dx (y)) / y)

Simplifying this equation, we get:

(d/dx (x^y)) / x^y = (d/dx (y)) / y

Step 4: Solve for y'(x).

To solve for y'(x), we can multiply both sides of the equation by x^y * y, which eliminates the fractions:

(d/dx (x^y)) * y = (d/dx (y)) * x^y

Finally, dividing both sides of the equation by x^y gives us:

d/dx (x^y) = [(d/dx (y)) * x^y] / y

Therefore, y'(x) = [(d/dx (y)) * x^y] / y