Length of of a side of a cube, if the volume is 1000 cubic meters?


You're looking for the cube root of 1000.


I don't understand is I don't know any of the side as factors

10 * 10 * 10 = 1,000



cube root of 1000 = 10

To find the length of a side of a cube, you can use the formula for the volume of a cube, which is simply the side length cubed.

Let's denote the side length of the cube as "s" and the volume as "V".

So, according to the given information, we have the equation V = s^3, where V = 1000 cubic meters.

To find the side length, we can rearrange the equation as follows:

s^3 = V

Taking the cube root of both sides gives us:

s = ∛V

Substituting the known value of V into the equation, we have:

s = ∛1000

Evaluating the cube root of 1000 gives us:

s ≈ 10

Therefore, the length of each side of the cube is approximately 10 meters.