Suppose that you are dropped off at a large mall without money and merely wander around casually looking at the stores and displays. Later, someone asks you where a particular store is located in the mall. The fact that you can direct the person to the store indicates that __________ has occurred.

a.)behavior modification
b.)partial learning
c.)stimulus control training
d.)latent learning

i think it's d.) what about you

hello could someone help me

I have absolutely no idea because I have no idea how your textbook/course materials defines those terms.

Let us in on what those terms mean, and maybe someone here can help.

i don't know either it's psychology cognitive approaches to learning

What class are you taking that they haven't provided you study materials (text or something else) to use BEFORE you are supposed to answer questions like these?

Look up the terms here and you might find good definitions:

stimulus control: Years ago, I went to the bathroom when I felt bladder discomfort. I now go to the bathroom before I get into the car to drive away. That is stimulus control, look it up.

latent learning: you learn something, unconsciously, and apply it later. For instance, I am icing donuts. You take the hot donuts, then trying a knife to spread the icing, and drizzinling it on, and also dunking the donut.

The next time, you let the donuts cool first, and drizzle the warm icing on. Something you learned unconsciously the first time, and applied later.

partial learning. Beats the dickens out of me.

Behavior modification. Through S-R-S-R training, desired behaviors are reinforced with a new stimulus, and new responses are gradually forthcoming, and undesirable response are extinguished over time.

D is my choice!

Definitely D.

The correct answer is D) latent learning.

Latent learning refers to learning that takes place without the learner actively trying to learn or without any reinforcement. In this situation, even though you were wandering around casually without any intention to learn the layout of the mall, you were still able to acquire information about the layout and locate a particular store when asked. This suggests that you learned the layout implicitly or subconsciously through observation, and that this learning became evident when you were able to direct the person to the store.

To arrive at this answer, we eliminate the other options:

a) Behavior modification: Behavior modification refers to the process of systematically applying principles of conditioning to modify behavior. In the given scenario, there is no intentional modification of your behavior to learn the layout of the mall, so it does not apply.

b) Partial learning: Partial learning is not a well-defined term in psychology. It does not accurately describe the situation in which you were able to locate the store without consciously attempting to learn the mall layout.

c) Stimulus control training: Stimulus control training involves reinforcing behaviors in the presence of specific stimuli. While your ability to locate the store could be attributed to stimulus control, it is not a trained or intentional response.