Bryan was edgy and seemed to lose his temper at the drop of a hat. His sister suggested that he would benefit by practicing an altered state of consciousness. He was surprised to hear his sister suggest that he should take drugs, but was soon corrected when she explained that he should learn a meditation technique which would:

1. remove the memory of all life's problems from his mind.
2.leave him thoroughly relaxed.
3. bring greater amounts of oxygen to his brain.
4. increase his awareness of outside stimulation

i think it's b what about you

2, 3, and 4 all sound right. What does your text say?

I agree, Lachelle. Number 2 is correct.

2 or b, either is correct.

To achieve an altered state of consciousness and experience the benefits mentioned, Bryan's sister suggested he learn a meditation technique. Meditation can be a powerful tool for managing emotions and achieving a state of calmness and relaxation. Here's how meditation can help Bryan with the four mentioned benefits:

1. Removing the memory of life's problems: During meditation, the focus is shifted from external distractions to the internal experience of the present moment. By practicing mindfulness or other meditation techniques, Bryan can cultivate a non-judgmental awareness of his thoughts and emotions, allowing any troubling thoughts or problems to arise and then pass without attaching to them. Over time, this can lead to a reduction in the impact that life's problems have on his mind.

2. Thorough relaxation: One of the primary goals of meditation is to induce relaxation. By adopting a comfortable position and intentionally directing attention to the breath or a chosen focal point, Bryan can activate the body's relaxation response. This can lead to a decrease in stress hormones, a slower heart rate, and a sense of overall relaxation and calmness.

3. Increasing oxygen to the brain: During meditation, one typically practices deep, diaphragmatic breathing. This type of breathing promotes the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs, leading to increased oxygen supply to the brain. Oxygen is crucial for optimal brain function, and by incorporating deep breathing into his meditation practice, Bryan can enhance the delivery of oxygen to his brain, promoting mental clarity and focus.

4. Increasing awareness of outside stimulation: In the altered state of consciousness reached through meditation, one can experience heightened awareness of both internal and external stimuli. By developing a practice of focused attention or mindfulness, Bryan can hone his ability to attend to and observe his external environment more keenly. This increased awareness can lead to a deeper appreciation of the present moment and a heightened ability to respond to external stimuli in a more mindful and intentional manner.

Overall, by practicing meditation, Bryan can cultivate a state of mind that promotes relaxation, clarity, and non-reactivity, which can help him manage his edginess, temper, and overall well-being.