A persn carries a 218N suitcse up a stairs.the displcment is 4.20m vertically & 4.60m horizntally. A.hw much work does the person do on the suitcase B. If the prsn carries the same suitcse dwn.hw much work does he do

218 * 4.2

All three of your questions are really the same.

A person carries a 218 N suitcase up a flight of stairs. The displacement is 4.20 vertically and 4.60 m horizontally

To calculate the work done by the person in both scenarios, we need to use the formula:

Work = Force x Distance x Cos(Θ),

- Force is the magnitude of force applied on the suitcase,
- Distance is the displacement traveled by the suitcase, and
- Cos(Θ) is the cosine of the angle between the force and displacement vectors.

Let's solve each part separately:

A. Carrying the suitcase upstairs:
1. Calculate the vertical distance:
In this case, the vertical displacement is given as 4.20 m.

2. Calculate the horizontal distance:
The horizontal displacement is given as 4.60 m.

3. Calculate the net displacement:
Since the vertical and horizontal displacements are at right angles to each other, you can use the Pythagorean theorem to find the net displacement:
Net Displacement (d) = √(vertical displacement^2 + horizontal displacement^2)

4. Calculate the angle (Θ) between the force and displacement vectors:
The angle between the force and displacement vectors can be found using trigonometry:
Cos(Θ) = horizontal displacement / net displacement

5. Calculate the work done:
Work = Force x Distance x Cos(Θ)
= 218 N x net displacement x Cos(Θ)

B. Carrying the suitcase downstairs:
The only difference in this scenario is the direction of displacement, which is opposite to that in part A. All other steps remain the same.

You can plug in the values and calculate the work done in each scenario accordingly.