What is the chief rhetorical featuren of this sentence? the baby was like an oxctopus, grabbing at all the toys.


This questions can be asking many different things so hopefully this it what you are wanting....

If you are wanting to know the type of sentence it is a simile.

If you wanting to know which part of the sentence makes it "Rhetorical sentence" I am 99% sure it is:

(The baby was like and octopus)

Remember it as anything that is very effective in the sentence and/or is Persuasive. Basically it stands out.

Sorry for the rambling, hopefully this helped. :)

Julie's post is not only incorrect; it's very difficult to make sense of. I'm surprised.

The type of sentence is declarative.

The rhetorical device is simile, as Ms. Sue already replied.

I don't know what the rest of this is supposed to mean.

Explain the purpose of using pathos in a speech. Provide support from the Gettysburg Address to prove your assertions.

The chief rhetorical feature of the sentence "the baby was like an octopus, grabbing at all the toys" is simile.

A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using "like" or "as" to show similarities between them. In this case, the comparison is made between the baby and an octopus to illustrate the baby's behavior of grabbing at various toys. The use of "like" in this sentence signals the use of a simile.