1.What is the domain of this relation?

domain range
-3 3
-2 -6
-1 0,15
0 -6
1 -1
Answer- -3,-2,-1,0,1

2. Compare the quantity in Column A with the quantity in Column B
Column A
slope of y =3

Column B
slope of x =3
Answer- The two quantities are equal

3. What is the equation of the line with slope of -7 and y intercept of 2?
Answer- y = -7x + 2

4. Find the equation of a line that passe through (-2, -4) with slope of 2
Answer- Y= -2x - 8

5. This table represents the data from a plant growth experiment. What is the growth rate of the plant?
Time (weeks) Height (cm)
3 4.6
4 5.8
7 9.4
Answer- 1.2 cm per week

6. How many solutions are there for the absolute value equation,
|16 + t|= 2t -3?
Answer- exactly 2

7. Absolute value is the number of units a value is from _______ on the number line.
Answer- 0

I don't like answer 2.

7. origin, or zero
4. your equation has a slope of -2

6. Only one solution t=19

1. To find the domain of a relation, we need to identify the set of all possible input values for which the relation is defined. In this case, we look at the left column of the relation. The domain is the set of all unique values from the left column. So in this case, the domain would be -3, -2, -1, 0, and 1.

2. To compare the quantities in Column A and Column B, we need to determine if they are equal, greater than, or less than each other. In this case, we compare the slope of y = 3 with the slope of x = 3. The slope of y = 3 represents a horizontal line with a slope of 0, while the slope of x = 3 represents a vertical line with an undefined slope. Since 0 and undefined are not equal, the two quantities are not equal.

3. The equation of a line is typically written in the form y = mx + b, where m represents the slope and b represents the y-intercept. Given a slope of -7 and a y-intercept of 2, we can plug these values into the equation format to get y = -7x + 2.

4. We can use the point-slope formula to find the equation of a line that passes through a given point (-2, -4) with a given slope of 2. The point-slope formula is y - y1 = m(x - x1), where (x1, y1) is the given point and m is the slope. Plugging in the values, we get y + 4 = 2(x + 2). Simplifying the equation, we get y = -2x - 8.

5. To find the growth rate of the plant, we need to calculate the change in height divided by the change in time. Looking at the table, the height increases from 4.6 to 5.8 in 1 week, and then from 5.8 to 9.4 in 3 weeks. So the total change in height is 9.4 - 4.6 = 4.8 cm, and the total change in time is 3 - 1 = 2 weeks. Therefore, the growth rate is 4.8 cm / 2 weeks = 2.4 cm per week.

6. To solve the absolute value equation |16 + t| = 2t - 3, we need to consider two cases: when 16 + t is positive or zero, and when 16 + t is negative. In the first case, we have 16 + t = 2t - 3. Solving this equation, we get t = 19. In the second case, we have -(16 + t) = 2t - 3. Solving this equation, we get t = -11/3. So there are exactly 2 solutions for the absolute value equation.

7. Absolute value measures the distance a value is from zero on the number line. It represents the number of units that a value is away from zero, regardless of whether the value is positive or negative.