What is the subject of your adjective clause ?

I went to the zoo and I saw Harriet the tortoise ,and it was big.

the verb?

what word does your adjective clauses modify?

I did the last one for you. Now it's your turn.

I'll be glad to check your answers.

I don't see any adjective clause in your sentence. Are you sure it's correct??

In the given sentence, "I went to the zoo and I saw Harriet the tortoise, and it was big," there is only one adjective clause: "and it was big."

The subject of the adjective clause is "it," which refers to Harriet the tortoise.

The verb in the adjective clause is "was," the past tense form of the verb "to be."

The adjective clause "and it was big" modifies the noun "Harriet the tortoise." It provides additional information about the tortoise, stating that it was big in size.