Will who change what?

And please release that Caps Lock key.

Will what or who change?

Are you asking about the future of veterans' entitlements?

If so, your best source of information is a VA office.

They are changing all the time. Lately, the trend has been for more VA entitlements

To answer the question "Will they change?", it's important to clarify who "they" refers to. Once that is known, predicting whether someone will change can be quite complex as it depends on various factors, such as their willingness to change, their motivations, and the specific circumstances they are in.

Here's an approach to understand if someone might change:

1. Understand their motivations: Consider what may motivate them to change. Are they dissatisfied with their current situation? Do they have a desire to grow and improve themselves?

2. Assess their past behavior: Examine their pattern of behavior in similar situations. Have they shown a willingness to change in the past? Have they made efforts to improve themselves or address any issues?

3. Communicate openly: Engage in open and honest conversations with the person in question. Discuss their goals, challenges, and aspirations. Understand their perspective and communicate your own concerns or expectations.

4. Support system: Determine if they have a supportive environment that encourages growth and change. This could include friends, family, mentors, or professional help such as therapists or coaches.

5. Personal commitment: Ultimately, change must come from within. The individual themselves must be committed and motivated to make the necessary changes. It's important to remember that change can be a gradual process, and setbacks may occur along the way.

Reflecting on these points can help provide insight into whether someone may be willing or able to change. However, it's important to remember that predicting or controlling another person's behavior is not always possible, as it is ultimately their own choice and responsibility to change.