2.65E4 moles e x (6.022E23 e/mole e) x (1 e/1g) = ? kg.

To solve this problem, you'll need to perform a series of unit conversions. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how to get the answer:

Step 1: Start with the given value of moles of electrons:

2.65E4 moles e

Step 2: Use Avogadro's number to convert moles of electrons to the number of electrons:

2.65E4 moles e x (6.022E23 e/mole e)

Note: The unit "e" represents electrons.

Step 3: Convert electrons to grams of electrons using the fact that 1 electron weighs 1 gram:

(6.022E23 e/mole e) x (1 e/1g)

Step 4: Multiply these two conversion factors to obtain the result:

2.65E4 moles e x (6.022E23 e/mole e) x (1 e/1g) = ? g

The final answer will be in grams. If you want to convert it to kilograms, divide the answer by 1000:

? g / 1000 = ? kg

Perform these calculations, and you will get the answer in kilograms.