I need to find current events that talk about changing the policies of the treatment Arab and Muslim?

I cannot find any information to this question. My guess is that this question is about 5 years old.

This question has been around for years and years. It's ridiculous. There are NO POLICIES or LAWS or anything else in the US that are discriminatory against any religious group. Read the First Amendment:



To find current events that discuss changing policies related to the treatment of Arab and Muslim individuals, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by visiting reputable news websites that cover international affairs and human rights issues. Some examples include:

- BBC News (www.bbc.com/news)
- Al Jazeera (www.aljazeera.com)
- The Guardian (www.theguardian.com)
- CNN (www.cnn.com)
- Reuters (www.reuters.com)
- New York Times (www.nytimes.com)

2. Once you're on the website, look for sections or categories that specifically cover Arab/Muslim-related news, international affairs, or human rights. They might be labeled differently on different websites but they generally cover topics such as "World," "International," "Middle East," or "Human Rights."

3. Use the search function on the news website to search for keywords related to changing policies for Arab and Muslim individuals. For example, you can search for terms like "Arab policy change," "Muslim treatment policies," "anti-Muslim discrimination," or "Arab rights."

4. Browse through the search results and articles to find recent news stories or opinion pieces that discuss specific policy changes, governmental decisions, or societal developments regarding Arab and Muslim treatment. Look for articles from reputable sources that provide well-researched and balanced perspectives.

5. Additionally, you can consider signing up for newsletters or push notifications from these news websites that focus on human rights, international relations, or the Middle East. This way, you'll receive updates directly in your inbox or on your mobile device.

Remember, news articles may present differing viewpoints, so be sure to assess multiple sources and read from a variety of perspectives to acquire a well-rounded understanding of the topic.