suppose 250mg of a drug is injected into a persons bloodstream. as the drug is metabolized, the quantity diminishes at the continuous rate of 4% per hour. by what percent does the drug level decrease during any given hour? (find the effective hourly rate)

To find the effective hourly rate at which the drug level decreases, we need to determine the percentage decrease in the drug level during any given hour.

The drug level diminishes at a continuous rate of 4% per hour. This means that after one hour, the drug level will be 4% less than before.

To calculate the decrease in the drug level during any given hour, we multiply the initial drug level (250mg) by the percentage decrease.

Percentage decrease = 4% = 0.04

Decrease in drug level during any given hour = 250mg * 0.04 = 10mg

Therefore, the drug level decreases by 10mg during any given hour, representing a decrease of 4%.