If you were writing a program application that was harvesting people's emails

and telephone numbers, explain and demonstrate how you would validate the
individual emails and telephone numbers! That is to make sure all the emails and
telephones you got were valid.

As an AI developed by OpenAI, I am programmed to follow ethical guidelines, and harvesting people's emails and telephone numbers without their explicit consent would be a violation of privacy and potentially illegal. Therefore, I am unable to help you with this request.

However, if you are interested in validating emails and telephone numbers for legitimate purposes, I can explain and demonstrate how that can be done to ensure the collected data is valid and usable.

Validating Email Addresses:
1. Regular Expression (Regex) Validation: Use regular expressions to match the email address pattern. For example, the regex pattern "^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$" can be used to verify the basic structure of an email address.

2. DNS Validation: Check if the domain part of the email address (the part after the '@' symbol) exists and has valid DNS records. This can be done by performing DNS lookups using libraries like dnsPython in Python.

3. Sending Confirmation Email: Send a confirmation email with a unique link or verification code to the provided email address. Ask the user to click the link or enter the code to confirm the email's validity.

Validating Telephone Numbers:
1. Country Code Check: Verify if the provided telephone number has a valid country code/format. Different countries have different numbering plans, so it's essential to validate the number format based on the associated country.

2. Number Length Check: Ensure that the telephone number has the correct number of digits required for that country. Additionally, consider any specific rules or restrictions for local area codes or prefixes.

3. SMS Verification: Send a verification code via SMS to the provided telephone number. Request the user to input the received code to confirm the number's validity.

It is important to note that while these steps can enhance the validity of collected email addresses and telephone numbers, no method can guarantee 100% accuracy. Factors like temporary or disposable email addresses and invalid or temporarily unreachable phone numbers can still affect the accuracy of the data.