My sister had asked me for some money to help get her out of debt. I did not feel right just giving her the money. My sister gathered all of her (possessive pronoun) credit card bills, and we sat down together to look over them. We found out that she (pronoun) had over $8000 in debt. She (subject pronoun) continued asking for money. I (pronoun) suggested that she (objective pronoun) started making at least the minimum payment due for a couple months. By doing this she (pronoun) would get a better understanding of what is affordable. She (pronoun) took my suggestion, and found out that she could pay double the minimum payment. We then contacted a debt consolidator, who (relative pronoun) said they could have her out of debt in 32 months.

What are your instructions? Are you supposed to identify every pronoun in the paragraph? Or what?

Write several sentences describing a recent interaction with a friend or family member about personal finance or credit cards. This interaction may be imagined or real.

Use at least five different pronouns in your sentences.

Identify all pronouns used by bolding them.

OK, here are the pronouns you have used:


Do you see them all? Some have been used more than once; others have been used only once.

Yes thank you.

You're welcome.


It sounds like you and your sister are working together to address her debt situation, which is great. It's important to approach these situations with care and consider different options. Here's how you can continue to help your sister:

1. Assess the Debt: Look over all of your sister's credit card bills to understand the total amount of debt she has. In this case, you mentioned it was over $8000.

2. Encourage Responsible Payments: It's wise to suggest that your sister start making at least the minimum payment due on her credit cards for a couple of months. This way, she can gauge her financial capacity and determine what is affordable for her.

3. Evaluate Financial Capability: By following your suggestion and making the minimum payments, your sister will gain a better understanding of her financial situation. It will help her assess how much she can afford to pay towards her debt each month.

4. Consider Debt Consolidation: Since your sister has a significant amount of debt, it might be worth exploring options for debt consolidation. This involves combining multiple debts into one monthly payment, potentially with a lower interest rate. You mentioned that you contacted a debt consolidator, which is a good step towards finding a solution.

5. Seek Professional Advice: Consulting with a financial advisor or credit counselor is also important. They can provide guidance on the best debt consolidation strategies and help your sister develop a personalized plan to get out of debt.

Remember, it's crucial for your sister to be actively involved in taking steps to address her debt. Your support and guidance will go a long way in helping her improve her financial situation.