An identification code is to consist of six letters followed by three digits. How many different codes are possible if repetition is permitted?

Is it 6^3??

Use the rule of product (26 letters, 10digits):this number=26^6*10^3

SO IT WOULD BE 3.08915776^11??

No, it would be



To calculate the number of different codes possible, we need to calculate the total number of options for each position.

Since repetition is permitted, for each position of the six letters, we have 26 options (all 26 letters of the English alphabet).

For the three digits following the letters, we have 10 options (the digits 0-9).

To find the total number of different codes, we multiply the number of options for each position.

Therefore, the number of different codes possible is:

26 options for each of the six letter positions multiplied by 10 options for each of the three digit positions.

So, the calculation becomes:

26^6 * 10^3 = 308,915,776,000 different codes possible.

Therefore, the correct answer is 308,915,776,000.