Social Security Numbers A social security number consists of nine digits. How many different social security numbers are possible if repetition of digits is permitted?

Is it 9^10?? 10 numbers correct?

If you intepret the string of digits as numbers, then the numbers are between 10^8 and 10^9 -1, so the answer is:

10^9 - 1 - (10^8 - 1) =

10^9 - 10^8

oooooh i totally got lost on this....

We can use the rule of product:

the first number we choose from 1 to 9,
the 2nd, 3rd,...,9th from 0 to 9.
So the number is
9*10*10*...*10=9*10^8 (=10^9-10^8)

SO ITS 1000000000-100000000 = 900000000??


No, the correct answer is actually 10^9. To understand why, let's break down the reasoning:

A social security number consists of nine digits, and each digit can take on values ranging from 0 to 9 (since repetition is permitted). So, for each of the nine digits, we have ten possible choices, ranging from 0 to 9.

To calculate the total number of possibilities, we need to consider that each digit is chosen independently. Therefore, we multiply the number of possibilities for each digit together.

In this case, we have nine digits, and for each digit, we have ten choices. So, the total number of possible social security numbers can be calculated as 10 * 10 * 10 * ... (repeated nine times), which is equivalent to 10^9.

Hence, there are 10^9 possible social security numbers if repetition of digits is permitted.