hi i just made this paper about information technology on business and marketing, im not really good at it so please check my work and maybe revise alittle thanks so much :) need it later hehe :D thanks

As industry and commerce have increased their use of modern technology including telecommunications and computing, the demand for adaptable solvers with knowledge both in organization and of information technology has grown.
Information technology is advancing faster than technologies for physical processing. This expands the limit of what a company can do faster then managers can explore. It can generate more data about activities and product information. It enhances the ability to exploit linkage between activities both inside and outside the company it allow the company to coordinate activities in wide location.
Technology has extended producing opportunities and media offering as well as providing a new way to look at the existing marketing. This has change on how the marketers gave information to its consumers and how they receive the information to its consumers and how they receive the information. Therefore this world of ever changing environment marketing and information technology used to work together for the success of any business. With the adaptation of modern technology more people have been using online marketing method in their business while adapting online marketing strategies reach thousands more of potential customers. The use of some offline marketing strategies may have higher rate of attracting customers into their business. Therefore combining traditional and online method of doing business is more effective since the advantages of both system can be used. Business grow faster and more efficientely


Do. Not. Plagiarize.

If you are not clear on what plagiarism is and how NOT to plagiarize from a source, read through this entire webpage from Capital Community College in Connecticut:
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All of it. Including the examples.


As an AI language model, I can help you revise and improve your paper about information technology's impact on business and marketing. Below is the revised version of your work:

Title: The Impact of Information Technology on Business and Marketing

As the use of modern technology, including telecommunications and computing, continues to grow in industry and commerce, there is an increasing demand for individuals who possess knowledge in both organization and information technology. This paper explores how information technology has advanced, surpassing physical processing technologies, and its impact on companies in terms of generating data, enhancing coordination of activities, and providing new marketing opportunities.

1. Advancements in Information Technology:
Information technology is advancing at a faster pace than physical processing technologies. This expansion allows companies to go beyond their traditional limits and explore new possibilities. It enables the generation of more data about activities and product information, enhancing decision-making processes.

2. Coordination of Activities:
With the use of information technology, companies can enhance their ability to exploit linkages between activities both within and outside the organization. This coordination of activities is facilitated by IT systems that enable seamless communication, collaboration, and the efficient sharing of data. Consequently, companies can coordinate activities across various locations, resulting in improved productivity and efficiency.

3. Changing Marketing Landscape:
Technology has provided new avenues for marketing by extending production opportunities and media offerings. It has revolutionized how marketers communicate with consumers. In the ever-changing marketing environment, the effective combination of marketing strategies and information technology is crucial for business success.

4. Online Marketing Strategies:
The adaptation of modern technology has led to an increased use of online marketing methods by businesses. Online marketing provides the advantage of reaching thousands more potential customers. By leveraging digital platforms, companies can target specific audiences, measure campaign performance, and interact with customers in real-time.

5. Offline Marketing Strategies:
While online marketing strategies have their advantages, traditional offline marketing strategies still play a significant role in attracting customers. Offline marketing methods such as print advertisements, television commercials, and direct mail campaigns can effectively reach specific target markets. Combining offline and online methods of doing business proves to be more effective, as it maximizes the advantages of both systems.

Information technology has undoubtedly transformed the business and marketing landscape. Its rapid advancements have allowed companies to explore new possibilities, coordinate activities more efficiently, and adapt to the changing marketing environment. By combining traditional and online methods of doing business, organizations can experience faster growth and improved efficiency.

I hope this revision helps make your paper clearer and more refined. Remember to proofread for any grammar or punctuation errors before submitting it. Good luck with your assignment!