can you give me examples of pictures

just name it,

Sure! Here are some examples of pictures related to "Chemistry in Daily Living":

1. A picture of a kitchen with various cooking ingredients, showcasing the chemical reactions that occur during cooking.
2. A photograph of a person using household cleaning products, highlighting the chemical compositions and their role in maintaining cleanliness.
3. An image of a person applying sunscreen, emphasizing the importance of understanding the chemical ingredients that protect us from harmful UV rays.
4. A picture of a supermarket shelf with different food products, illustrating the role of preservatives and additives in food preservation and flavor enhancement.
5. An image of someone taking medication, illustrating the significance of pharmaceutical chemistry in improving health and treating illnesses.

And here are some examples of pictures related to "Technology and Society":

1. A photo of people using smartphones, highlighting the impact of technology on communication and social interactions.
2. An image of a person using a laptop or computer, representing the widespread use of technology in various aspects of society, including work, education, and entertainment.
3. A picture of a smart home setup, showcasing how technology has transformed our living spaces and made our lives more convenient.
4. An image of people commuting on public transportation, emphasizing the role of technology in improving transportation systems and infrastructure.
5. A photograph of a renewable energy facility, underscoring the relationship between technology and sustainable development.

To find specific pictures related to these topics, you can search online on platforms like Google Images, Shutterstock, or Unsplash by using the keywords mentioned above.