a hard H20 contains 0.0085% Ca by mass(form Ca+ ions).How much H2O(g) contains 1.2g of Ca?

0.0085% means 0.0085g Ca^2+ ions/100 g solution.

g H2O = 100 x 1.2/0.0085 = ??

can i know why and where do you get the 100g solution? eventhough in the question it didt state anything about 100g.

.0085/100 (Flip it)

1.2g Ca x 100/.0085g Ca = 14,118 g soln

g H2O = 14118 - 1.2 = 14,116 g h2o

To determine how much H2O(g) contains 1.2g of Ca, we need to use the information provided about the concentration of Ca in the hard H2O.

First, let's calculate the mass of Ca in the hard H2O:

Mass of Ca = 0.0085% x mass of hard H2O

Next, we can set up a proportion to find the mass of hard H2O that contains 1.2g of Ca:

(Mass of hard H2O containing 1.2g of Ca) / 1.2g = (Mass of hard H2O) / Mass of Ca

Now, let's substitute the values:

(Mass of hard H2O containing 1.2g of Ca) / 1.2g = (Mass of hard H2O) / (0.0085% x mass of hard H2O)

To convert the percentage to a decimal, divide it by 100:

(Mass of hard H2O containing 1.2g of Ca) / 1.2g = (Mass of hard H2O) / (0.000085 x mass of hard H2O)

Simplifying the equation by canceling out the mass of hard H2O on both sides:

Mass of hard H2O containing 1.2g of Ca = 1.2g / 0.000085

Now, we can calculate the mass of hard H2O containing 1.2g of Ca:

Mass of hard H2O containing 1.2g of Ca = 1.2g / 0.000085

Mass of hard H2O containing 1.2g of Ca ≈ 14,117.65 g (rounded to the nearest hundredth)

Therefore, approximately 14,117.65 g of hard H2O(g) contains 1.2g of Ca.